- Operate, improve and grow the DAO’s portfolio of products
- Agency-style makeup, all members can code
- Every 50th minted NFT is awarded to the DAO Core Team by the DAO Founders
- Ops team grows with every 10th minted NFT
- Operating products
- Employed by the DAO full-time
- Vesting membership
- Paid by DAO treasury
- More specifically, by the products’ own cashflows
- Qualifies for Yield Bonuses
Governance Participation
Because it will inherit and operate the products acquired by the DAO, the DAO Core Team has a vested interest to ensure good proposals pass as well as a vested interest to ensure products are well-maintained and grow over time.
The role of the DAO Core Team is defined within each proposal.
Proposal Quorum & Core Team
Because the Core team is directly impacted by new acquisitions, and to safeguard against any eventual malicious proposals by a majority-stake DAO member, the DAO Core Team effectively has veto power over proposals.
By design, a 30% quorum is required for a vote’s result to pass.
Additional to a 30% participation, the DAO Core Team must sign off on the proposal with a yay/nay. They may not abstain.
To avoid losing great deals that the DAO Core Team might be lukewarm to, any vote with 80% quorum or more will not require sign off from the Core team.